The file "Wacky Wheel Settings" contains all of the phrases and prizes for use with Wacky Wheel. In order for Wacky Wheel to find this file, it must be in the same folder as the Wacky Wheel game. Information about players is also kept in the Wacky Wheel file, so if you pass Wacky Wheel on to someone else, please make sure to give them the original "Wacky Wheel Settings" file so that they have a virgin copy of the game.
Wacky Wheel may be freely distributed providing that this text file is included, and that the distributed copy of Wacky Wheel and the "Wacky Wheel Settings" file are unmodified.
Don't forget to pay the $10.00 shareware fee if you like Wacky Wheel, we spent quite a bit of time on this game!